The Parable of The Poop Toilet and The Pee Toilet

An office is undergoing a change of management and part of the reorganization involves a new bathroom policy. Prioritizing utility, the new policy no longer divides use of the two bathrooms by gender, but by bodily function. The first bathroom is now to be used only for pooping, and the second bathroom is to be used for peeing and everything else. The purpose of the policy is to keep one bathroom relatively traffic-free for longer occupancies, and the other bathroom relatively clean for ease of use.

Unfortunately, this new system quickly falls apart. Thinking the poop toilet will be a dirtier toilet, people immediately start secretly pooping in the pee toilet. Soon enough, the pee toilet becomes the only toilet people use because of the stigma and assumptions attached to the poop toilet. The poop toilet becomes virtually unused except by those who respect the rules, and ironically the pee toilet becomes not only dirtier due to excessive use, but it’s occupants use it with an inflated and mis-informed opinion of it’s cleanliness.

Do you have a poop toilet? Do you have a pee toilet? For some of us, they are one and the same toilet. Join us.

Jason McMahon